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Computer: - Computer is a programmable computing machine. It understands instruction or information entered by users in the form of binary digit like 1 and 0. All the code of written program is converted in binary digit for manipulating on the machine. Binary digit is called a Bit and A set of 8 bits is called a byte. The computer is a useful system for all. It is used in all fields like bank, railway, technology, offices, development, prediction of weather. The computer can store and retrieve data. It completes the large work in a moment and users can connect to each other in the entire world through the computer.
1. System software: - System software is also called operating software. It is a bridge between the user and the hardware. It works as a user interface. It controls the overall operation of the system. It also provides a platform to application software. Whereby application software easily runs on the system. User can’t operate the computer without system software.
There are two types of operating system
a. Single user
b. Multi user
a. Single user operating system: - Single user operating systems are DOS, Windows vista, Windows ultimate 7, Windows 8 pro, Windows 95, Windows XP, etc. these operating systems ready the computer to operate for single user. It controls the overall Operation of the computer. Such as, print, copy, save, send, retrieve etc.
b. Multi user operating system: - Multi user operating systems are UNIX, Linux, Windows-NT, Windows server-2003 etc. these operating systems ready the computer to operate for multi user. These are used for server operating system. A number of users use the computer and its resources in multi user operating system.
Application Software: - it is used for personal or business purpose. Application software is Tally, Web designing app, Photo shop, Adobe reader, Page maker, Game app, etc. these all run with the help of Operating system. User can operate a computer without application software.
User: - the people that operate a computer is called a user. The user uses the computer, its resources and application software. Through the computer, the user sends information and data across the world and vice-versa.
Memory: - it stores the data of the user and also keeps safe data for a long time. The computer has three types of memory.
1. RAM
2. ROM
3. Hard Disk
1. RAM: - RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It means it store data or current work as long as the power is on. Once the computer is switched off. Data is lost. It is accessible for users.
2. ROM: - ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is not accessible for users. User can’t use it for storing data. It stores BIOS data permanently. BIOS manufacturer stores data in ROM at the time of manufacturing of it. It is important for the computer.
3. Hard Disk: - It is storage device and it store data permanently. The Computer has a hard disk. User stores data and current work in hard disk by using save option or save button. It saves data for a long time. Once data are saved in it and the user can retrieve data saved again.
Hardware: - Parts of the computer is called hardware. Such as a monitor, mouse, keyboard, hard disk, etc. these all are the hardware of the computer. Regular maintenance is needed for it. Every part completes own work. Such as, a printer: it prints data. Keyboard: it inputs data. And monitor: it displays the data.
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